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What Causes a Lump in Your Throat?

It’s a very common problem to face lump on your throat and everyone faces such a problem once in their life. If you are feeling a lump or swelling in your throat it is called globus sensation. If you are also one of them facing difficulty swallowing you should consult a doctor because it can be very harmful or a serious issue for you. Let's discuss what are the causes of a lump in your throat and what can we do to ease it.


This Problem can occur with anyone at any time, age and gender don’t matter it may come and go at any stage of your life. The most common condition that can cause this problem includes Muscle tension you feel more tension than normal on your muscles. This can sometimes feel like a lump and bump in your throat. Sometimes uncoordinated muscles won’t prevent you from swallowing or make it more difficult.


You will just experience an unusual sensation as you do swallow. Swallowing food may be easier because food stimulates the muscles in your throat differently than saliva. Stomach acid can also make you feel muscle tension or swelling in your throat’s tissue. You will feel like a lump or blockage in your throat. If you are experiencing excess mucus it can accumulate in the back of your throat.


As it slides down your throat and makes a lump like feeling by causing an increased insensitivity. Sometimes Emotional reaction like stress, grief is intense emotions that may trigger global sensation. They can also make the feeling worse. Extreme fatigue may also cause this feeling. It is very important to consult with a doctor as it may cause serious complications for your health. You should visit Bay Dental Center to get further assistance. 

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